One thing that keeps people from beginning their homestead journey is that they don’t know where to start. If you didn’t grow up around this lifestyle, the thought of raising and growing your own food can feel rather daunting. And, sometimes as people start researching it, well, the information can end up being overwhelming. Eventually, people find themselves in that “paralysis by analysis” zone.
I’ve come up with what I believe may be, if not THE answer to the dilemma, at least a possible answer or solution to that problem. It’s a series of free printables that I will be releasing called, “Just the Basics.” If you’ve seen or read any of the “Storey’s Guides To Raising XXXXXX” which are comprehensive guides on everything you need to know about raising chickens or goats or pigs, look at my “Just The Basics” series as the antithesis of that. “Just the Basics” will be just exactly that, the basics needed to get started with a particular task.

Each printable will have a checklist of the basic materials needed to get started. It won’t be a comprehensive list. It won’t be every possible option. But, it will be a solid list of the basics to set you up for success. And I will then provide you with basic, general guidance to help you get started and achieve your goals in that area.
I am also including a link (and a QR code) to a website that will have specific recommendations regarding the equipment on the checklist. Some of the items might be affiliate links. Some may not be. My goal isn’t to get you to buy through my links (although if you do, it does help support the show) but rather it is so that you can see exactly what I am recommending from my personal experience and then you can keep your eyes open for those items (or comparable ones) at yard sales, auctions, farm sales, Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist. If you can buy it used and save some money, do so!!! If you can find it new for a cheaper price via a different vendor, do so!!!!
I have compiled a list of 16 or 17 topics that I plan to cover in this series. The first one ready for download is a basic guide to caring for chicks. I have also started writing the “Just the Basics” guide on starting seeds. After that we will be covering gardening, chickens, pigs, rabbits, quail, soap making, food preservation (canning, fermenting, dehydrating), composting, fruit trees, pantry management and cooking/baking from scratch. If there is a topic that you would like me to cover, in addition to those on my list, reach out to me ( and I’ll see if I can add it.
If this sounds like something you’re interested in, click here to sign up. This will get you access to the current list of available printables, and I will contact you as I release new ones. My suggestion is to print them out and put them in a binder. Then when you want to refer to the additional info, just scan the QR code.
Please do me a favor. If you see typos, factual inaccuracies or broken links, please let me know. My goal is to make these as simple but helpful as possible. And, if you think I’m not accomplishing that at all, please let me know that as well.
Thanks so much for your support of this project. And until next time, keep up the good work!!!